#COSCUP2023 開源人年會即將於 7/29-30 於台科大舉辦!免票入場,300 場演講,等你來一探究竟!
- 🗓 時間:2023/07/29-30 週六、日 8:50-17:10
- 📍 地點:台灣科技大學
[ 關於 COSCUP ]
COSCUP 是由台灣開放原始碼社群聯合推動的年度研討會,起源於 2006 年,是台灣自由軟體運動 (FOSSM) 重要的推動者之一。活動包括有講座、攤位、社團同樂會等,除了邀請國際的重量級演講者之外,台灣本土的自由軟體推動者也經常在此發表演說,會議的發起人、工作人員與講者都是志願參與的志工。COSCUP 的宗旨在於提供一個聯結開放原始碼開發者、使用者與推廣者的平台。希望藉由每年一度的研討會,來推動自由及開放原始碼軟體 (FLOSS)。由於有許多贊助商及熱心捐助者,所有議程都是免費參加。
不論你是已經踏入自由及開放原始碼軟體領域,還是一直站在門口不知如何入門,歡迎你來參加 COSCUP — Conference for Open Source Coders, Users and Promoters!
⬇️ 追蹤以下連結,不漏掉 #COSCUP2023 第一手消息!
👉 追蹤 COSCUP 2023 議程表:https://i.coscup.org/schedule2023!
👉 訂閱 COSCUP 電子報:https://secretary.coscup.org/subscribe/coscup
👉 加入 COSCUP Telegram 群組:https://t.me/coscupchat
#COSCUP2023 is a conference for open-source coders, users, and promoters at the National Taiwan University of Science and Technology on 7/29-30! Admission is free, featuring 300 talks. Come and explore!
🗓 Date: 29th-30th July 2023, 8:50 AM - 5:10 PM
📍 Location: National Taiwan University of Science and Technology
[About COSCUP]
COSCUP is an annual conference held by Taiwanese Open source community participants since 2006. It’s a significant force of Free software movement advocacy in Taiwan. The event is often held with talks, sponsor and community booths, and Birds of a Feather. In addition to international speakers, many Taiwanese local Open Source contributors often give their talks here. The chief organizer, staffs, and speakers are all volunteers.
COSCUP aims to provide a platform to connect Open Source coders, users, and promoters and promote FLOSS with the annual conference. The conference is free to attend because of the enthusiastic sponsors and donators.
Whether you are an Open Source coder, a devoted Open Source promoter, a user familiar with Open Source, or even a newcomer, we sincerely welcome you to be a part of COSCUP!
⬇️ Follow the links below to stay updated!
👉 Follow COSCUP 2023 Schedule: https://i.coscup.org/schedule2023
👉 Subscribe to COSCUP Newsletter: https://secretary.coscup.org/subscribe/coscup
👉 Join COSCUP Telegram Group: https://t.me/coscupchat